‘What’s behind the reterritorialization of Oslo’s cultural sphere’ | Frieze online (June 2022)
‘Zoombies of the Zoomspace: A World of Flattened Flats’ | Co-authored with Jimenez Lai. Pool 6 (Spring 2021), pp. 58-60.
‘Romantisker komedier, en selvmotsigende sjanger’ | Zett 155 (2021),pp. 58-70.
‘Når verden går under på film’ | Zett 151 (2020), pp. 43-47.
‘The English Channel': Brexit and True-Crime’ | Frieze 207 (2019), pp
‘Looking back 2018 – the year in tv’ |Frieze Online (2018).
‘The altergorithm’ | Frieze online (April, 2016)
‘Toil and Trouble’ | TANK Magazine 8:7 (2016), pp. 118-122
'Great job, Internet!' | Frieze online (2016)
'Ironie en post-ironie' | Metropolis M vol. 2016, iss. 3 (2016), p 93.
‘Europe, why so serious? The problem of the pan-European sitcom’ | Frieze 172 (2015), p. 19.
‘Space is the place’ | Frieze 171 (2015), pp. 200-203.
‘Oscar Santillan’ | Frieze 167 (November-December 2014), pp. 120-121
‘Borrowed Energy’ | Co-authored with Rosi Braidotti. Frieze 165 (September 2014), pp. 130-33.
‘Art Criticism and Metamodernism’ | Co-authored with Robin van den Akker. Art Pulse 19.3 (2014), pp. 22-27.
‘메타모더니즘과 예술 ‘ Korean trans. by Mihye Yim. Public Art┃퍼블릭아트 197, pp. 31-35.
‘Public Enemy: Machiavellian Scheming and Political Drama’ | Frieze 163 (May 2014), pp. 45-47.
Monika Stricker: Something else, all the same | Frieze D/E 13 (March 2014), pp. 104-105
‘Metamodernist affect’ | American Book Review 34.4 (2013), pp. 8-9.
‘Ways of Knowing: The Sculptures, Installations and Drawings of Diango Hernandez’ | Frieze 159 (November 2013), pp. 140-143
‘“Een Verlangen naar Oprechtheid” | Co-authored with Robin van den Akker. De Groene Amsterdammer (05.09.2013), pp. 36-39.