‘Watching Television with Jacques Rancière: US Quality TV, Mad Men, and the late cut’ | Co-authored with Gry Rustad. Screen 54.3 (Autumn 2013), pp. 341-354.
‘As if’ | Beyond The Aesthetic and the Anti-Aesthetic. Edited by James Elkins & Harper Montgomery. Penn State University Press, 2013, pp. 167-170
New Suburban Stories | Edited with Martin Dines. Bloomsbury 2013
‘Introduction: The second space’ | Co-authored with Martin Dines. New Suburban Stories. Edited by Martin Dines and Timotheus Vermeulen. Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 1-15.
‘Arrested Developments: Towards an Aesthetic of the New Sitcom’ | Co-authored with James Whitfield. Television Aesthetics and Style. Edited by Jason Jacobs and Steven Peacock. Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 103-112.
‘Quality TV and Independent Cinema’ | Directory of World Cinema Vol 2: American Independent. Edited by John Berra. Intellect/University of Chicago Press, 2013, pp. 31-35
‘In praise of the copy’ | Zero RPM Records: “Higher State of Consciousness”. Edited by Ralf Brög. Petra Rinck Galerie, Dusseldorf, 2013, 5 pp
‘Ways of Knowing: The Sculptures, Installations and Drawings of Diango Hernandez’ | Frieze 159 (November 2013), pp. 140-143
‘“Een Verlangen naar Oprechtheid” | Co-authored with Robin van den Akker. De Groene Amsterdammer (05.09.2013), pp. 36-39.
‘School of Thought’ | Interview with Galit Eilat. Frieze D/E 10 (June 2013), pp.
‘Future Fictions’ | Co-authored with Ian Cheng, Fatima el Qadiri et al. Frieze 156 (May 2013), pp. 190-199
‘Little Women’ | Frieze 154 (April 2013), p. 19
‘Düsseldorf Renaissance’ | Frieze D/E 8 (Feb 2013), pp.
‘Thirteen theses on (the end of) liberal democracy’ | Metamodernism.com (2013)
‘Christoph Schellberg’ | Frieze D/E 12 (December 2013), pp. 134-135.
‘Daiga Grantina’ | Frieze 159 (November 2013), pp. 156-157.
'Corridor Plateau III' | Frieze D/E 11(September 2013), pp. 151-152.
'Christoph Knecht' | Frieze 157 (August 2013), p. 162
'Painting - Posenenske, D'Hollander, Warboys’ | Frieze 156 (July 2013), pp. 216-217.
'Drawing a Universe' | Frieze D/E 10 (June 2013), pp. 155-156.