‘Metamodern Pastiche?’ | Co-authored with Kim Wilkins. Screen 65: 1 (Spring 2024), pp. 116-120.
‘Wallace after postmodernism: metamodernism, tone, and tennis’ | English Literature: Theories, Interpretations, Contexts 8: 1 (2022), pp. 105-124
‘What’s behind the reterritorialization of Oslo’s cultural sphere’ | Frieze online (June 2022)
‘The do-er and the done-to: the politics of enthusiastic awkwardness’ | Ridiculously Yours: Art, Awkwardness and Enthusiasm. Edited by Jorg Heiser and Cristina Ricupero. Distanz, 2022, pp. 42-57
‘Zoombies of the Zoomspace: A World of Flattened Flats’ | Co-authored with Jimenez Lai. Pool 6 (Spring 2021), pp. 58-60.
‘Reality beckons: metamodernism and depthiness’ | Co-authored with Alison Gibbons and Robin van den Akker. European Journal of English Studies 23:2 (2019), pp. 172-189.
Fact and Fiction in Contemporary Narratives. Edited by Jan Alber and Alice Bell. Routledge, 2021, pp. 52-69.
‘Nike Air Pocket: fashionable ecology’ | APRIA Journal 1: 1 (2019), pp. 47-59.
‘Metamodernism: Period, Structure of Feeling, and Cultural Logic – A Case Study of Contemporary Autofiction’ | Co-authored with Robin van den Akker and Alison Gibbons. New Directions in Philosophy and Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2019, pp. 41-54
‘The English Channel': Brexit and True-Crime’ | Frieze 207 (2019), pp
‘Nightly Vertigo’ | Parole (2019)
'Parafiction, autofiction, perfiction' | Co-authored with Robin van den Akker. Para/Fictions. Edited by Natasha Hoare. Witte de With Publishers, 2018, pp. 19-29
‘The Altergorithm’ | The Posthuman Glossary. Edited by Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova. Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 29-32.
Frieze online (April, 2016)
‘Ecopathy’ | The Posthuman Glossary. Edited by Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova. Bloomsbury, 2018., pp. 125-129
‘Ekopatia: výlet na pláž’ | Slovakian Transl. Magdaléna Kobzová. 3/4 2020
‘Metamodernism' | The Posthuman Glossary. Edited by Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova. Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 256-259.
Metamodernism: Historicity, Affect and Depth after Postmodernism | Edited with Robin van den Akker and Alison Gibbons. Rowman & Littlefield Int. 2017
Metamodernismo: Historicidad, afecto y profundidad después del posmodernismo | Edited with Robin van den Akker and Alison Gibbons. Translated by Joaqim Feijoo Perez. Mutatis Mutandis, 2023
Metamodernizm: Postmodernizm Sonrası Tarihsellik, Duyuşsallık ve Derinlik | Edited with Robin van den Akker and Alison Gibbons. Translated by Aykut Dalak. Tun Kitap, 2020.
Метамодернизм: Историчность, аффект и глубина после постмодернизма | Edited with Robin van den Akker and Alison Gibbons. Translated by V.M. Lipka. Ripol, 2019; 2nd Edition 2020; 3rd Edition 2021.
'The new brutalism' | Co-authored with Rosi Braidotti and Brian Kuan Wood. E-Flux Journal 82 (2017)
‘Periodizing the 2000s, or the emergence of metamodernism’ | Co-authored with Robin van den Akker. Metamodernism: Historicity, affect, depth. Edited by Alison Gibbons, R. van den Akker and T. Vermeulen. Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp. 1-22.
‘Metamodern depth, or depthiness’ | Metamodernism: Historicity, affect, depth. Edited by Alison Gibbons, Robin van den Akker and Timotheus Vermeulen. Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp. 147-150
'We need to talk about Dolphins' | The Standard Book of Noun-Verb Exhibition Grammar. Edited by Niekolaas Lekkerkerk. Onamatopee, 2017, pp.
‘Groucho Marxism’ | Solution 275: Communism. Edited by Joshua Simon and Ingo Niermann. Sternberg Press, 2017, pp.