I am professor of media, culture and society at the University of Oslo, Norway, and a visiting scholar in history of art and architecture at Harvard University, USA. I hold a PhD in Film and TV Studies from the University of Reading (AHRC funded), an MA in Film and TV Studies from the University of Warwick (funded by the Prins Bernhard Foundation and VSB Fund), an MA in Media Studies and an MA in Philosophy from the Erasmus University Rotterdam and a BA in History from the same institution. My short resume can be found here.
Research interests and output
My research is in the disciplines of ‘screen studies’ and ‘critical and cultural theory’, but I also frequently write and talk about art. I have published 5 books with two more on the way, and close to a hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals, edited volumes, magazines and catalogues. My research has been translated into over ten languages and has been cited well over 2000 times. In 2013 my collaborative research with Robin van den Akker and Alison Gibbons inspired a special issue of The American Book Review.
Along with Linda Ceriello, I run the Studies in Metamodernism book series, I am co-founder of the now defunct webzine Notes on Metamodernism and a regular contributor to frieze. Together with Gia Milinovich I host The Cluster F Theory Podcast.
Public engagement
My research has been discussed in popular media world wide, including but not limited to The New York Times, BBC, The Telegraph, Die Zeit, Tagesspiegel, Haaretz, Corriere Della Sera, NRC, Dagbladet, Morgenbladet, Times Literary Supplement, Los Angeles Review of Books, De Groene Amsterdammer, Vrij Nederland, Klassekampen, Observator Cultural, Adbusters, Frieze, Art News, Art Pulse, Flashart, Metropolis M, Salon, Scenario, Log, TANK, Hyperallergic, Vulture, Billboard and even EOnline.
I am a frequently invited public speaker. Venues for public talks include universities and intitutions around the globe, including the Venice Biennial, BBC Radio Theatre, Strelka, Documenta, Frieze Art Fair, Dostoyevsky Library Moscow, CAFA Bejing, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, E-Flux, Columbia School of Architecture NYC, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis, and the Centre for Contemporary Art Alexandria. For a full list see here.
Teaching and supervision
I teach and supervise across screen studies and critical and cultural theory. Courses I have convened include Cultural Theory, Screen Cultures, Audiovisual Aesthetics, What is an Image, City Culture, The Philosophy of Body and Affect, and Metamodernism. For a full list, see here.
Notes on Metamodernism | webzine
Studies in Metamodernism | book series
The Cluster F Theory | podcast